Rachel V. Leskosky DC, Family Chiropractor, Life Expression Wellness Center

5.0 / 5Overall Rating

66 reviews

298 Rock Glen Rd, Sugarloaf, PA 18249


Patient Reviews
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Dr. Rachel is amazing, she always makes me feel better and is very kind and considerate her staff is amazing also!

I used to be a cart pusher at Walmart. And one day my back decided to go in a different direction than the rest of my body( for about a week) . Ouch . So after roughly 10 years of misery a friend recommended Dr. Rachel . Initially I refuse to go saying to myself it’s not that bad I can handle it. Several more months past and eventually I caved . After first visit with Dr. Rachel my back pain has pleasant significantly to where I am way more active than I was for the 10 years. My back still goes out once in a while but it comes back within hours instead of weeks. Thank you Dr. Rachel and staff you have made a difference in my life .🤗🤗😊😊😁👍

I wish we lived in PA and could come on a regular basis. This is the best chiropractic care I have ever have! My body aligns itself after visiting you and I stay in alignment longer after each visit. Your knowledge and care for your patient shine through on each visit. God bless you all!

Dr Rachel is wonderful. She is very kind and gental. Everyone is so nice and the place is clean. I have had major lower back neck n shoulder pain for years n years. So much so that it stopped my life. It was so hard to get around. I had alot of trouble walking or standing or sitting any length of time. I was on so many pain pills. Which I think hurt my body and mind. I lost my job. I just layed around wishing I felt better. Because of Dr Rachel I am getting around better. She has taught me alot about nutrition also. I have made better food choices and it really does help. I can get around better and I feel better. I got along way to go but with Dr Rachels help Ill get there. Thank You so much Dr Rachel

Es la profesional más adecuada para ayudarte a sanar y continuar con calidad de vida y me siento como en familia y se lo agradesco mucho su experiencia y sabiduría Dios los bendiga.

My experience with Dr. Rachel has been awesome. I have to laugh when I think of how I first started to go to her. A friend of mine, who was at her own appointment, decided that I should be going to Dr. Rachel as well. So without asking me, she made an aappointment for me then called me and told me. I was so impressed with her enthusiasm about her visit that I kept that appointment. It was the best thing I could have done! I have benefited so much from my adjustments. Dr. Rachel always says that my body is doing the healing. But without her touch, her professional know how, my body would not be doing the healing it's doing. Thank you Dr. Rachel! You are amazing!

My husband and I both are so grateful for Dr. Rachel!! She has contributed in many ways to our well being and good health! The results were immediately felt and we now wake up with less aches and pains than ever before. Thank you for such excellent care, Dr. Rachel!

Dr. Rachel has been treating me for over a year now. I used to suffer from excruciating sciatic pain. A road trip to Cape Cod (8 hours) used to leave me feeling crippled. Dr. Rachel's treatments have greatly lessened my pain and road trips are much more enjoyable. Looking forward to driving to Arizona in August with friends.

When I came to Dr. Rachel, I was in need of gentle, yet powerfully effective Chiropractic Care. At the time, an acute subluxation was causing much suffering. With severe and limited mobility & the inability to do task of daily life, I was in desperate need of healing. Within two weeks, of tonal Chiropractic adjustments, I was nearly 100% improved. In a month, I was back to myself, *HAPPY & pain-free!* Much Gratitude to Dr. Rachel for the Healing, Compassion, & Care! Tonal Chiropractic with Dr. Rachel is Highly Recommended for gentle & profound transformation, into total body wellness!!

I liked their friendliness and professionalism. They explained how the body works and what was being done during the therapy.

Dr. Rachel sincerely cares for her patients. She takes time withh each one and carefully explains why she does what she does. She is an excellent caregiver. Not your typical doctor experience. Give her a try!

I had a great adjustment by Dr. Rachel a few days ago. I hadn't been feeling well. I had a sore throat and a fever. The next day i was 75% better and by the next day, my fever was completely gone and throat was fine. Once again Dr. Rachel to the rescue. I get regular adjustments and feel great most of the time, but when i don't feel well, a visit to Dr. Rachel always helps. I highly reccomend Dr. Rachel and the entire staff at Life Expressions

Kerry was 20 months when we first started seeing Dr. Rachel, and she was very wary of other people. Touching her was almost impossible, if you were a stranger. It made doctor visits of any kind quite difficult. Rachel was incredibly patient and understanding. She took the time to get to know Kerry, read to her, play with her and was adamant about making the process comfortable and pleasant for her. Kerry definitely must have exhausted her, but she showed no signs of fatigue or doubt, and she was eventually able to give her an adjustment. Kerry is now 2 years old, and I've seen great improvements in her over the months. We will continue routine chiropractic care through Rachel. I also started chiropractic care with Life Expression, and my husband will be soon, as well! We plan on making it a part of our longterm wellness!


Love visiting Dr Rachel! I totally trust her with my needs and respect her vast knowledge of the body. Always a fantastic relaxing visit.

I was experiencing a moderate amount of upper back pain along with other symptoms. Although I had an appointment to see Dr. Rachel later in the week, she took the time to accommodate my needs by fitting me in her busy schedule the same day. After assessing me, Dr. Rachel adjusted me and I was able to leave the office free from pain. I always leave the office pain free after being adjusted by Dr. Rachel. Thank you, Dr. Rachel and God bless you!


298 Rock Glen Rd, Sugarloaf, PA 18249
Today: 7:00am - 6:00pm