
Increase Revenue with Proven Dental Patient Communication Software

Table of Contents

  • Can Your Dental Practice Grow in Today’s Environment?
  • Eliminate Dental Office Staff Burnout
  • Tackle No-Shows & Last-Minute Cancellations
  • Keep Up with Changing Patient Demographics
  • Stay Ahead of Rising Costs

Can Your Dental Practice Grow in Today’s Environment?  

The American Dental Association (ADA) has identified four main challenges for dental practices today:

  1. Staffing shortages and retention
  2. Patient no-shows and last-minute cancellations
  3. Shifting demographics
  4. Rising costs and decreasing insurance reimbursements

As the demand for your services rises, these challenges can make it difficult to grow and sustain your practice. Are you staying ahead of them — or is your practice playing catch-up?  

Proof That Doctible Meets Every Challenge Head-On

Doctible’s dental patient communication software has been proven to make managing your practice easier. See how Doctible helps streamline operations, improve patient engagement, and optimize flow for a smoother and less stressful workday.

Retain more patients with automated recall and increase annual revenue with patient retention tools in patient engagement software from Doctible.
Increase patient retention and annual revenue with Doctible.

Eliminate Dental Office Staff Burnout

60% of dentists say their practices struggle with staff shortages, retention, and recruitment. 42% of office managers feel overworked. The solution: Doctible’s automation and digital tools.

  • Patient Recall helps staff send 156 automatic recall messages monthly, saving roughly 13 hours* of manual follow-up time.
  • Automated text and voice reminders save staff 81 hours per month on phone calls.
  • Digital forms save 10 minutes per patient check-in, streamlining intake and reducing admin time by 50 hours per month.
  • Over 70% of appointments are confirmed automatically, allowing staff to focus on patient care and other tasks.

*If average manual recall takes 5 minutes, automating recall messages saves staff 780 minutes per month (about 13 hours).

Use Doctible's Traffic Alerts to improve appointment adherence and save up to $150,000 annually.
Doctible’s patient engagement software can save you up to $150,000 annually.

Tackle Patient No-Shows & Last-Minute Cancellations

Patient no-shows and last-minute cancellations not only disrupt daily operations but also pose significant financial risks to dental practices. Here’s the impact:

  • No-shows and cancellations cost practices about $150,000 in lost revenue each year.
  • They account for 82% of unfilled appointments in dental practices.

Doctible’s automated reminders and EasyFill, a digital waitlist, can mitigate these disruptions.

  • Automated reminders help patients remember appointments, reducing no-shows (and phone call time by 74 hours per month).
  • EasyFill fills over 44% of last-minute openings, maximizing daily operations and recovering up to $60,000 in lost revenue.
Reduce manual front office tasks by 131 hours each month with Doctible's patient engagement software.
Dental practices saved 131 hours each month with Doctible.

Keep Up with Changing Patient Demographics

Your patients have changed, and so have their expectations. To stay competitive, it’s important to understand their preferences:

  • 94% of people only consider visiting businesses with a 4-star rating online.
  • 70% use reviews to judge service quality.
  • 98% of patients prefer texting to phone calls.
Doctible’s patient communication software allows you to cater to modern preferences, keeping you competitive and efficient.
  • Doctible automates around 814 review requests monthly, securing approximately 67 new reviews with an 8.3% response rate.
  • Automated scheduling and texting meet the expectations of today’s tech-savvy patients.
  • Customizable tools ensure personalization in every patient interaction.
  • Effective review management from Doctible elevates your online reputation, attracting new patients.
A monthly time savings breakdown shows dental practices save over a hundred hours using Doctible's patient engagement software.
Save time using Voice Reminders, Digital Forms, and Automated Reminders.

Overcome Rising Costs

Rising costs and decreasing insurance reimbursements can make dental practice growth especially challenging. Doctible’s automated solutions reduce manual labor and streamline operations, helping you keep expenses in check.

  • Maximize staff efficiency by automating routine tasks, freeing up resources for patient care and other high-value activities.
  • Enhance revenue potential through improved appointment booking and management, minimizing gaps in the daily schedule.
  • Reduce overhead costs by decreasing the need for additional staff hours, thanks to comprehensive automation features.
  • Streamline administrative workflows, helping reduce errors and inefficiencies that can lead to financial losses.
  • Prevent revenue loss from patient attrition by using automated recall tools. With an average dental patient attrition rate of 17%, a practice with 2,500 active patients could lose 425 patients annually, potentially costing millions, considering the lifetime value of each patient (around $12,000). Automation in patient recall can help retain these patients, significantly impacting your bottom line.
Increase total revenue by reducing no-shows and attracting more patients with Doctible's patient engagement tools.
See how much you can save with Doctible’s patient engagement tools.

Doctible’s Impact in Numbers

Retaining 78 patients per month translates to 936 patients each year. (The average lifetime value of a patient is $12,000.)
Eliminating phone calls with automated messages and voice reminders saves 81 hours per month. Two weeks per month
Digital forms save 10 minutes per patient check-in.
50 hours per month (for a provider seeing 10 patients daily)
EasyFill efficiently fills at least 44% of last-minute openings.
Cutting down on no-shows and cancellations with reminders and EasyFill prevents the average loss associated with unfilled appointments.
Time and money.
Gain roughly $11,442,000 to reinvest in your practice and incentivize staff (higher bonuses and better benefits!).

Save about 1,572 hours annually. That’s two months staff can get back to spend on other tasks or personal time, preventing burnout.

Real Results. Real Impact. Real Success.

Want to hear more about Doctible’s impact? Book a demo today and discover how we can help you navigate today's challenges for a brighter future.

Armstrong, T. (2019, September 30). No Show Appointments: Why They Happen and How to Reduce Them. Medical Group Management Association (MGMA).

Dental Industry Predictions for 2024 S3E06. (2024). American Dental Association (ADA).

Dentist Combats Appointment Cancellations with Doctible’s EasyFill. (2023). Doctible.

Economic Outlook and Emerging Issues in Dentistry. (2023, December 11). American Dental Association (ADA).

Nearly 3x the Patients & Happier Staff with Doctible: Kawata Dental’s Story. (2024). Doctible.

Wells, DDS, B. (2019, May 2). Patient Attrition: 3 Steps to Finding a Hidden Gold Mine. Dental Economics.

See Doctible in action.

If you want the best digital patient engagement and marketing platform, you need Doctible.